Vertical Standard Text Printed
- 90gsm Bond Paper
- Spirograph background with a choice of 12 colours
- Standard format 4 part ticket 140mm depth
- Choice of 2 widths 61mm or 81mm
- First or Fourth stubs can be cut away to form a 2 or 3 part ticket.
Vertical ticket gives:
- 5 lines of text first stub
- 6 lines of text 2nd stub
- 12 lines of text main ticket
- 6 lines of text 4th stub
Maximum computer characters per line:
Regular typeface:
- 61mm = 22 characters
- 81mm = 30 characters
Compressed typeface:
- 61mm = 32 characters
- 81mm = 45 characters
61mm = 2.40 inches: 81mm = 3.18 inches
Samples available on request. Click on thumbnail tickets to see full size image