Draw tickets for sale to the general public are governed by the 1976 Lotteries and Amusement Act and as such, much conform as follows stating:
Name of Organisation running the draw:
Date and Venue of draw:
Name of Local Authority and Registration Number with which the organization is registered with:
Promoter’s Name and Address:
Ticket Price:
Maximum ticket price £1.00, each ticket must be evenly priced. (It is an OFFENCE to offer tickets at e.g. 25p each or a book of 5 for a £1 when the unit ticket cost is 25p each).
Private Draws:
For tickets not on general sale to the public but are restricted for sale to members of one Club, Society or Workforce it is not necessary to register with the Local Authority. Tickets should state the Promoter’s Name and Address and who the sale of tickets is restricted to.
Registered Charities:
If the Organisation running the draw is a Registered Charity then the ticket should confirm this stating the registered number clearly.
Samples available on request